Learn How To Heal Autism and ADHD in 30 Days. Gain POWERFUL Insights about This Autism Cure that has transformed the lives of autistic children from over 25 Countries in the World and HOW You Too can ACCESS this Autism Cure right NOW. Watch the Autism Interview with our Autism Expert Dr Rajalakshmi Kandasamy.
Time Stamps: Important Takeaways from the interview :
2: 42: WHO is an Authentic Autism Expert?
8:52 What Autism is NOT ( It is NOT a Life-Long neurodevelopmental disorder ) … then what is it?
9: 22: WHAT exactly is Autism, Really?
11:03 ” HOW to Cure Autism?
14: 33: How a Nonverbal child with Autism started Singing with this Autism Cure
16: 12: The ONLY Fact that needs to be Taught in schools
16: 51: HOW am I healing Autistic Children from over 25 countries in the World REMOTELY- Without Meeting them or seeing them in person
19: 22: What is the role of Intent and Intention in Autism Cure?
19:43 : The SECRET of Curing Autism Revealed
24:17 : Do Vaccines and Pesticides cause Autism ?
26:45 : Why Autism is the next stage in Human Evolution
31:26 : WHY these are the BEST of Times to Live on planet Earth
33: 02: WHAT is the REAL Cause of ADHD and How to Heal Autism and ADHD together with ONE Solution?
34: 49: What do I Mean by the term Autism Cure and when I say CURING Autism?
34: 49: What do I mean by the Term “Limiting Symptoms” in Autism?
36: 32: What parents can STOP doing Today to start seeing the improvements in their child right away
37: 45: HOW can YOU Experience this Healing for your autistic child TODAY?
38: 30: How ANYONE from any part of the world can EXPERIENCE this Autism Cure right from Today
44: 28: ONE Reason is Enough for you to get what you want and WHAT you need to FEEL in order to get whatever you Truly DESIRE in your Life
44:58: My father, Mr.Kandaswamy’s PRESENCE in this Interview
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