Limitations and inaccuracies in the current conventional medicine autism diagnostic methods
1Delay in autism diagnosis below 2 years of age
4Does not identify or address the root cause of autism
2Undiagonised developmental disability risk right in the womb of the mother
5Unable to tell the timeline of the autism cure
3Does not identify the Unique Energy Signature of autistic individuals which is the basis for the Uniqueness across the autism spectrum
6Outdated approach as latest science of Brain Theranostics is not included
1Delay in autism diagnosis below 2 years of age
2Undiagonised developmental disability risk right in the womb of the mother
3Does not identify the Unique Energy Signature of autistic individuals which is the basis for the Uniqueness across the autism spectrum
4Does not identify or address the root cause of autism
5Unable to tell the timeline of the autism cure
6Outdated approach as latest science of Brain Theranostics is not included
Breakthrough Intent Healing Remote Sensing modality of Energy Assessments

- Non-Verbal autism
- Seizure Disorder with autism
- Gut Issues in autism
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Poor Immunity
- Developmental Delay

- Non-Invasive
- Precise
- Most Cost-Effective
- No harmful Side-effects
- Holistic Long-Term solution
- A foolproof scientific method of assessment that is highly specific and unique for each individual
- Reveals the Unique Signature Frequency of the individual
- Learn “when” all the symptoms will disappear in your autistic child)
- You will also learn How you can gain Freedom from the Energy disturbances and resistance that is Preventing you from manifesting your desires and living your best life in complete Joy and Freedom.
Get your assessment report!