Attention Moms and Dads of Autism Kids : Where on This Autism Spectrum are YOU ? Take this survey to Discover YOUR place on this Autism Spectrum and How YOUR Position on the Spectrum can affect your autistic child's recovery timeline. FIRST NAME LAST NAME EMAIL OCCUPATION MOBILE AGE GENDER CHILD NAME CHILD AGE CHILD GENDER CHILD COMMENTS 1.Are you the mother or father of the child with Autism ? Mother Father 2.Which of the following would best describe your state of mind at this point in time ? I don't think my child can be cured or healed from the symptoms of autism I am not sure if autism can be cured or healed Vaccines cause autism Autism is a genetic disorder and there is no cure for it Autism is a life-long developmental disorder and there is no cure for it I believe in autism acceptance and not autism cure Autism needs to be understood and celebrated and not cured Autism can be completely cured or healed Autism maybe partially cured or healed Autism is caused due to gut parasites overload Autism can be cured by homeopathy Autism can be cured by Stem cell therapy Autism can be cured with a gluten free casein free diet Autism is due to PANDAS Autism is due to seizure disorder I want my child to be cured of autism I will not stop searching for a cure for autism Autism can be cured or healed by energy medicine or energy healing techniques Autism is a disability for life. Autism is caused due to pesticides in food and other forms of Pollution Autism is caused due to stress in the mother during pregnancy. 3.Have you heard of Applied Energy Medicine and/or Applied Intentional Epigenetics solution for Autism? Yes No 4.Do you think your government needs to issue disability certificates for autistic people and offer them reservations in jobs? Yes No Not Sure 5.Do you think more special schools for autistic children should be opened by your government or do you think autistic children need to be included in "regular schools"/schools for "neurotypical" children ? 6.Do you think Stem Cell therapy works in autism? Yes No May Be 7.Do you think you may need to institutionalise your autistic child when he/she becomes an adult? Yes No May Be 8.Would you be interested in knowing more about the latest autism solution that is backed by science and shows results from day one? Yes No 9.Do you think joining autism support groups is helpful in seeing improvements in your child? Yes No Time is Up! Time's up