Sex And Sexuality In Autism : The Untold Story And The (W)Holistic Solution

Reading Time: 11 minutes

The Scientific Method to Healing Sexual Issues In Autism That No Pill Can Solve

What many parents often describe to me in my healing practice as dysfunctional ,inappropriate, self-destructive and often embarrassing sexual “symptoms” and expressions of sexuality in their children with Autism is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the topic of sex and sexuality in Autism. This article offers a Wholistic and Holistic Solution for the sexual issues that not just the children on the Autistic spectrum and their parents face, but also the Adults on the spectrum who are suffering in silence.

Empower yourself with this solution to experience a Healthy, Joyous and Creative sexual expression in Autism. In complete Freedom and Joy !

The Complaint
Caught in the “Act”

” He’s doing it again, and I just don’t know what to do about this !” said the mother.

“What happened” ? I asked

“Playing with himself (meaning -Masturbating)…and, I caught him in the act at least 6 times this week.” “I think I’ve gone beyond feeling embarrassed about watching him do this, although I feel I have pushed that feeling to the background. Now, I am very worried about his health…about him…WHY is he doing this so often ? And I’m sure he is doing it more often that I have caught him in the act. He’s ONLY 8 years old !!” the distraught mother exclaimed in complete frustration.

This particular boy with Autism was “Non-Verbal” and as it is the mother was having a hard time trying to understand his basic needs of daily living. This issue became too much for her to bear.

When I consult with parents trying to deal with children on the Autism spectrum, one of the very first things that I ask them to do is to make a list of complaints that they feel needs to be healed in their child with Autism.

As we proceed with the healing sessions we use this list to mark the progress made with respect to each of the complaints until all of them are completely healed.

Sometimes the list from both the mother and the father has a few common points that they both feel very strongly about and this was one such complaint on their list that topped the list. Even ahead of the complaint of the child not talking even a single word, although he was 8 years old.

“Playing with himself (Masturbating) often, sometimes many times in a day. Has been caught doing this sometimes in public places and in school too”

” If you can “fix this in him” it will be a miracle. For sure” said the father.

I come across this particular aspect of sexual expression in children with Autism on a regular basis, in fact with such regularity these days that I felt that this “issue” that is often ignored, gulped down in embarrassment, sometimes pushed into denial , but without any doubt , leaving the parents and the child frustrated , surely needs to be brought into light.

Other than the complaint of excessive masturbation, and invariably, masturbation in public places, children with Autism get referred to me for healing, with complaints of self-destructive and self-mutilating behavior often directed against their own private parts and with the complaint of making “inappropriate” sexual advances towards strangers.

Children with Autism along with their parents as well as adults on the spectrum need not suffer any more.

Especially when there is a solution at hand that works wonders for both the parents and the child.

Opening doorways to the healthy exploration and expression of the natural sexual energies in the child in complete dignity and totally free from the guilt , embarrassment and frustration attached to the whole experience.

The symptoms are by no means restricted to children with Autism.

Adults on the spectrum present with a whole range of what society in general and doctors invariably label as ‘Dysfunctional” and often “Promiscuous” . And more often than not it is women on the spectrum who suffer the most, unable to make sense of their sexual urges and impulses often ending up in unhappy relationships. That would be a whole topic in itself and will be addressing that in another article.

I’m mentioning it here as some of the factors that cause unnecessary and often painful repercussions in both children and adults on the Autistic spectrum having a difficult time understanding their sexual energies and the way these energies finds expression through them that makes them feel “out of control” or “guilty” , are common to both.

As we go along, you’ll understand how the child and the family gets to Re-Define what is “normal” and “natural” and “healthy” for the child in terms of the Unique way in which the Sexual energies flows through the child.

And set the stage for the thriving of the child by Understanding, Knowing and Allowing the flow of the powerful energies of passion in all aspects of the child’s life including relationships, that make him/her feel Empowered and Ecstatic at the same time.

But before that, read on to discover what the underlying causes for these and other kinds of sexual activities and behaviors are that usually get categorized under “unhealthy”, “dysfunctional”, “addictive” sexual behavior and more. ALL of which end up doing more harm than good in solving the issue on hand.

The Cause
The REAL Reasons Underlying Unhealthy, Dysfunctional Or Addictive Sexual Behaviors In Autism
The ULTIMATE Cause of ANY symptom in Autism, including Sexual Symptoms is Energy Disturbance Or Energy Imbalance.

(To understand more about what I mean by the terms “Energy” and “Energy Disturbance”, please read my featured lens on – “How To Heal Autism And ADHD In 30 Days” – The Revolutionary Breakthrough To Healing Autism And ADHD That Your Doctors Won’t Tell You About  . You can order the book here

So, what causes these Energy Disturbances in the child ?

#1) Too Much Focus On The Self

What I mean by this is that almost everything that is designed or structured in most of the present set-up dealing with Autism , including the schooling methods invariable focus and re-inforce the Energies of  the child with autism ” not being good enough or has to be at par with other children his age, needs to measure upto standards of behavior set by society ” etc.

Meaning, consciously or unconsciously it feeds the cycle of Comparison and Ego-based measurements of Competence or Incompetence.

This translates as too much pressure on the child bringing his attention repeatedly to ” I, Me, Myself “. And often this attention is on the ” not good enough ” aspects of ” I, Me, Myself “.

Masturbation and sexual activities including sex , watching pornography, experimenting with multiple partners etc provides a relief from this kind of Pressure.

By bringing about the Experience of Self-Forgetfulness/Relief from the Self or Ego.

And THIS is actually a meditative state of being.

The interesting Paradox here is that although it may seem like all these sexual activities are all about I, Me, myself, it is actually a Complete Relief from being trapped in the Constricting Energies of the EGO/Self

It is when these sexual activities turn into an INDULGENCE that it slips from the meditative state into an unhealthy addiction.

Which is why, the more the Indulgence, the more the FRUSTRATION instead of relief.

IF the child or adult with Autism learns or knows HOW to experience that state of being of Self-forgetfulness in almost all the activities of daily living, sex and sexual activities will automatically and easily find their rightful and healthy place in their lives.

There would be no Indulgence leading to frustration that affects their health, well-being and relationships.

#2) Lack Of A Proper Channel For The Energies of Passion

Autistic beings are highly passionate beings as they are born with the gift of Energy Sensitivity . (To understand more about this please read my featured lens on or visit my website )

Lack of an avenue or avenues to Flow these energies of passion through creative means of Living and Being leads to the bottling up of these powerful energies and leads to its manifesting itself in repetitive sexual behaviors as a form of seeking relief.

The creative energies that flow in the child as speech are the same creative energies, which, when lacking an avenue of flow as speech , results in excessive masturbation.

This was one of the reasons for the child “playing with himself” in the example given above. He was “non-verbal” and had pent-up creative/passionate energies.

#3) Resonance and Reflection of Sexual suppression/ repression/ pent up sexual energies, lack of creative outlet in the Parents.

THIS is actually the most common cause of Energy disturbance in the child with Autism manifesting as dysfunctional, “inappropriate” and often repetitive and self-mutilating/self-destructive sexual behaviors

a) Resonance

Matching the frequency of vibration that either or both the parents are emitting, mostly unknowingly with respect to their sexual energies.

The child with Autism simply matches his frequencies with these frequencies of vibrations and energies that the parents are radiating and that results in a manifestation reflecting back to the parents as to what kind and frequencies of sexual energies they are radiating.

When these frequencies of sexual energies that are being emitted by the parents are that of sexual frustration, pent-up sexual desires with no satisfactory outlet, blocked creativity etc, the child with Autism resonates with these energies and reflects them back as symptoms such as “excessive” masturbation, addiction to porn, self-mutilating behavior, lack of speech and so on.

This results in the establishment of erroneous cellular memories and neural pathways surrounding the sexual function and sexual activities that get reinforced by repetition.

b) Projection onto the child

The parents are often in denial about these pent up sexual frustrations in their energies and so end up Projecting them onto their child with Autism

c) Reflection by the child

The child with Autism thus ends up reflecting these suppressed and repressed sexual energies in the parents, especially if either one or both the parents feel that they are stuck in a sexless marriage.

The fragmentation in the energies of the parents especially with respect to their sexual needs and lack of a fulfilling sexual experience results in the child’s energies being fragmented as well.

#4) Hormonal Imbalances DUE to Energetic disturbances in the Energy fields of the child

Usually presents as addiction to internet porn or any other form of pornography.

A note about Adults with Autism who are in marriages/relationships

A) The opposite can also happen- a seeming lack of sex drive . This is because of the lack of the NEED for energies of passion to be expressed through the sexual act because it is already being channeled in creative endeavors and output which in itself is equivalent to being “orgasmic” as an experience of ECSTASY . Often these autistic people border on the genius or aspergers or autistic savants range.

B) When there is too much flow of creative energies AND an ecstatic expression of the same in their work/ creativity, this may also extend to experimenting with multiple sexual partners not necessarily of a long-lasting nature. Often this presents as experimenting with same sex partners as well.

This happens primarily because of a lack of Energy Boundaries AND Boundaries of form, sex, societial conditioning etc in people with Autism. (Read my book “How To Heal Autism And ADHD In 30 Days” to know more about energy boundaries)

This experience is a manifestation of the energies of ” All are ONE” – An extension of the creative passionate energies which is often described by them as “Divine Ecstasy” or “merging as One”

This becomes an ” Issue” when the adult with Autism tries to re-create the experience with people who consider their approaches as “Inappropriate”, not understanding what kind of signals they are sending across to others who are not ready to participate or indulge in the particular behavior.

The Solution To The Sexual Issues In Autism

Healing The Sexual Issues In Autism And Facilitating Healthy Expression Of Sexuality And Passion

Instead of getting into the debate of what is “normal” sexuality and sexual behavior, I feel it would be of immediate benefit to get to the Solution for these issues instead of being stuck with the “problem”.

Obviously, no tablet or pill can solve this “problem” :-)

The solution is to apply Intent Healing (TM) and achieve the following :

1) Balancing these sexual energies , Restoring the overall Energetic Alignment And channeling them into creative outlets UNIQUE to each Autistic Person.

Not just that, this step, by itself completely heals the hormonal imbalances that may be contributing or causing the symptoms too.

2) Balancing these energies, Restoring the Energetic Alignment and channeling them into creative endeavors and satisfactory outlets in the Parents of the child with Autism.

All the more so If this is a Reflection of the energy imbalance in them and hence the Autistic child resonating with these suppressed / imbalanced sexual energies in the parents and presenting before them with the sexual issues discussed earlier.

3) Making the child and especially the parents, experience Self-Love . By Literally Moving Energies to a higher vibration with Intent Healing and allowing them to experience how truly Loving Oneself FEELS like, and thus rewiring the brain to resonate with these high frequency energies of pure and instantaneous healing.

4) Erasing faulty cellular memories of resonance pertaining to sex . This ensures that the pattern of repetition of ALL the dysfunctional sexual behaviors are broken.

5) Allowing Healthy cellular memories surrounding sex , sexual energies, sexual experiences to take the place of the faulty cellular memories

6) RE-DEFINING the whole “Sexual Experience” and rewiring the brain to resonate with it in the right context.

7) Re-Establishing a new, healthy relationship of “You With You” on a Wholistic level, including the expression of the sexual energies.

This is for both – the person with Autism and the parents of the child with Autism.

The only relationship that really matters is you with the true, energetically aligned You.

Relationship of yourself with your inner being and being in perfect alignment with it is equal to MERGING on all levels and Being as ONE.

Thus experiencing Oneness that one is actually seeking to experience through the sexual experience in the first place.

Then sex automatically finds its rightful place in the person’s life IF that is relevant and important for the individual, that is.

Autism or no Autism.

This is also the Spiritual Perspective on sex and sexuality in Autism

The Applied Science Behind Intent Healing (TM) : Discoveries In Science That Support Intent Healing
What Is The Scientific Basis Of Resolving ALL The Symptoms In Autism Including Sexual Issues, With Intent Healing ?
Intent Healing (TM) is the Evidence for Discoveries and Research from at least six fields of Science that are expanding our understanding of Science and Consciousness. These are :

1) Epigenetics – Our genes are NOT Destiny. Genetic expression of limiting symptoms in Autism can be modified or eliminated altogether by changing the Energetic Environment in the individual, which is what Intent Healing does.

2) Evolutionary Biology – Morphic Resonance is the mechanism by which any member of any species can tap into a Collective Memory Pool specific to that species beyond the constraints of Time, Space and Distance. This is one of the factors contributing to the success of Intent Healing in Autism applying the method of Remote Healing.

3) Neuroscience – Our brains have the power of Neuroplasiticity and can be Re-Wired at ANY age. Intent Healing helps Re-Wire the brain in Autism with healthy functioning neural networks that helps the Autistic being Thrive in Joy .

4) Quantum Physics – Everything in the universe is Energy, and everything is connected to everything else at the deepest level of existence. The success of Intent Healing in healing Autism completely through Remote Healing regardless of which part of the world the Autistic being is in, is evidence for this.

5) Neurogastroenterology – Your Gut is your “Second Brain”. There is a brain in your gut. Literally. The same cells that are present in the brain in your skull is present in your gut as well. What’s more, this “gut brain” of yours has a mind of its own, meaning, it can function Independent of the control of the brain in your skull.

ALL the gut and digestion related symptoms in Autism disappear completely with Intent Healing. Not just that, you start seeing results right from day one of applying Intent Healing, as evidenced by remarkable improvement in attention and focus, alertness, self-motivation and interest in studying and so on. All, from day one of applying Intent Healing.

6)Psychoneuroimmunology – It is mainly the study of the relationship between the Brain, the Immune system and our Experiences of the “Outside” world. Extensive studies in this field have proven beyond a shadow of doubt of the existence of Cellular Memories, primarily in the heart. If these cellular memories are faulty, they result in debilitating symptoms and illnesses. If they are healthy, they have the intelligence and power of healing.

Intent Healing erases faulty Cellular Memories in Autism and Instills healthy and harmonious Cellular Memories that are in Sync with the healing energies of Unconditional Love from the Heart. Thus connecting the circuit of the Brain, Heart and the whole body through applied Energy Medicine , in a truly Wholistic and Holistic manner.

To know more about Intent Healing and healing Autism in 30 days, you may want to order my E-Book  ‘How to Heal Autism And ADHD In 30 Days : The Phenomenally Powerful Breakthrough Of Intent Healing (TM)

Click Here