At the outset, I would like to state that I maintain the Privacy and Confidentiality of all the children and families dealing with autism, to the best of my ability and to the best of my knowledge about the prevailing cyber laws in more than 100 countries worldwide regarding the Privacy and Confidentiality aspect involved in a “doctor-patient” relationship. Just FYI.
Here are the ways you can choose to explore the “TRUTH” of this solution in autism; AUTISM CURE.
Yes, Autism CURE.
Since this term is getting corrupted by the hour, let me first state what I mean by the term “Autism Cure”.
What I mean by autism cure is the healing of all the limiting symptoms in autism on a case by case basis so that the individual ( child/adult) can thrive with their gifts and talents.
Coming to the Testimonials, depending on where Your “readiness to receive this autism solution” is on the spectrum ranging from disbelief, denial, doubt/skepticism, anger, trust, knowing etc, you may find something here that could “satisfy” your need for “Authenticity”.
If none of the links below satisfies you, you may want to move on as you may still not be ready to RECEIVE this “Autism Cure” in your specific life situation at this point in time.
For scientific publications along the lines of EBM ( Evidence Based Medicine) about this Autism Cure, you can explore these articles:
New autism cure and Epigenetics in autism: https://
authenticautismsolutions.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/11/ Editorial-Autism-Epigenetics- Open-Access-Journal-1.pdf
5. Families with more than two children with autism: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ autism-latest-the-game- changer-in-the-treatment-of- autism-in-families-with-two- or-more-children-with-autism/
6.Autism and Epilepsy: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ Autism-and-Epilepsy-Cure.pdf
For ” informal testimonials” (dropping the scientific jargon) of autism healing from the parents of successfully healed autistic children, you can view the same within this time-sensitive, paid webinar here: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ autismcure/
For those wanting to hear my clarification wrt this topic (in Tamil), you can do so here: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ know_about_autism_cure_tamil/
For those who are still wondering ” Can autism REALLY be cured?”, you can know HOW to answer this question for yourself here: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ the-emerging-revolution-in- autism-re-alignment-of- energies-and-being-ones-own- authority-in-autism-healing/
For those wanting to know “why?” all those parents whose children have been healed through this healing approach in autism may not necessarily be standing on roof-tops and proclaiming to the world that THIS Autism Solution “REALLY WORKS!”, you may want to explore the wisdom and “higher logic” behind the same through this story here: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ frog-autism-well/
For those worried about the “cost-effectiveness” of this healing solution in autism, you can get things in perspective by reading this article here: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ cost-effective-autism- treatment-available-today/
For those wanting to get an idea about the “statistics” aspect of this autism solution, you can explore the reach here: https:// authenticautismsolutions.com/ autism-cure-global-statistics- 2018-authentic-autism- solutionstm-established- global-leader-autism-cure/